10 tech companies to work for in 2023
Over the years and in the years following the COVID pandemic when remote work became a standard in many companies, flexibility, and great work-life balance in the workplace have remained highly sought-after benefits among top professionals in the tech industry.
Based on this we have aggregated a list of the top tech companies to work for in 2023, based on data collected from Glassdoor. They are rated by current and former full-time workers at companies with 1,000 employees or more on a five-point scale based on the flexibility of work environments, improved benefits packages, and a focus on work-life balance.
The Techloy infographic below shows the top 10 tech companies in three top tech-forward countries including the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Google and Microsoft were the only big tech that featured in the top 10 categories across the three countries. Others including Salesforce, ServiceNow and Adobe also made the list in at least two of the countries in 2023, while Apple made the list only in Canada.

Source: Glassdoor