Android 14 update for Chromecast with Google TV brought some unexpected problems
I recently wrote–smiling as I typed–about the long-awaited Android 14 update finally coming to Chromecast with Google TV. But as they say, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
So, while some users happily installed the new update, others who already had it installed are complaining about new problems. It isn't all surprising, though, because as with any major update, sometimes things don't go as smoothly as we'd hope.
Now, what are these new issues that come packed with the update? Some users are reporting that external drives and USB devices are no longer working. Can you imagine? You plug in your USB drive, and...nothing.
One user even mentioned a "Low Power" warning popping up while using a multi-purpose adapter. And it's not just storage devices; Ethernet adapters are also taking a hit.
But there's more! Others also notice changes to the colour profile, no sound, the Settings menu vanishing while scrolling, and USB debugging issues. It's like Google threw a party in our Chromecast and forgot to clean up afterwards.
Now, don't get me wrong. The update seems stable overall, and some Reddit users are even saying that a factory reset resolves most of the problems and makes the device faster.
But these little hiccups are enough to make you scratch your head and wonder what's going on. So, what's the takeaway here? If you're a Chromecast with Google TV owner eagerly waiting for the Android 14 update, brace yourself. It might bring some improvements, but it's also bringing a few headaches along for the ride.