CHART: Streaming dominates TV viewing in July 2024, hits new record

  • Streaming captured a record 41.4% of total TV viewing time in July 2024.
  • YouTube became the first streaming platform to surpass a 10% share of TV usage.
  • 10 streaming titles exceeded 1 billion minutes of viewing in one week.

July 2024 marked a pivotal moment in the evolution of television consumption, as streaming cemented its position as the dominant force in the living room.

A report by Nielsen's The Gauge which tracked only viewing that happens on a TV screen revealed a staggering 41.4% of total TV viewing time dedicated to streaming platforms, a monumental leap from the previous month which also saw record-breaking achievement.

This performance saw streaming platforms beating broadcast and cable TV in terms of viewing time, underscoring the accelerating shift away from traditional television towards on-demand content. While streaming has undeniably taken centre stage, cable television continues to hold a significant portion of the market. with a 26.7% share of overall TV usage, while Broadcast held a 20.3% share.