CHART: Chipmaker Nvidia soars past Apple as it joins the $3 trillion club

In a historic achievement for the chipmaker, Nvidia has rocketed into the exclusive $3 trillion club.

The chipmaker’s stock climbed 5.2% on Wednesday, closing at $1,224.40. The stock rally saw it add nearly $150 million in market capitalization on Wednesday alone - more than the entire valuation of Intel, pushing its market value to an eye-popping $3.012 trillion. 

This comes a mere three months after it surpassed the $2 trillion mark in February when it surpassed Alphabet.

The company now stands as the second-largest public firm in the U.S., leapfrogging Apple and trailing only behind Microsoft. Apple was initially the first US company to reach this mark in early 2022, followed by Microsoft in January 2024.

CHART: Apple becomes the first company to surpass $3 trillion in market value
Following a record-breaking $1 trillion market valuation in mid-2018 and achieving a $2 trillion valuation in August 2020, making it the first U.S. company to surpass that level, Apple has achieved an unprecedented milestone by becoming the first company to surpass the elusive $3 trillion mark in stock market

This milestone is the latest triumph in Nvidia's incredible five-year run, during which its stock has skyrocketed over 3,224%. Nvidia also reported a blockbuster first-quarter earnings report showing sales tripling year-over-year.