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CHART: Generative AI could replace 300 million jobs, says report

Emmanuel Oyedeji profile image
by Emmanuel Oyedeji
CHART: Generative AI could replace 300 million jobs, says report
Photo by Mojahid Mottakin / Unsplash

A report by Goldman Sachs has predicted that the generative AI technology could potentially replace the equivalent of around 300 million full-time jobs globally.

This comes amidst concerns regarding the potential impact of AI on employment which have resurfaced with the rising popularity of OpenAI's ChatGPT, and the rapid proliferation of the generative AI technology in the professional environment.

The research note stated that ''if generative AI delivers on its promised capabilities, the labour market could face significant disruption." It added that "roughly two-thirds of current jobs in both the US and Europe are exposed to some degree of AI automation, and that generative AI could replace up to 25% of current employment, or some 300 million full-time jobs."

Emmanuel Oyedeji profile image
by Emmanuel Oyedeji

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