How LG Electronics is creating innovative products for females

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It is of no use emphasizing the fact that women sure do know their way around the home so getting the right home appliances would go a long way to complement their efforts at home and their workplaces.

The advancement of technology has made it possible to design products that are not just human-centric but gender-friendly and LG Electronics has found a way to factor the interest of the female folks in the design and production of some of its products.

As the global economy continues to digitize and transform women seem to suffer from persistent inequalities which even deepen daily. Women disproportionately hold jobs susceptible to automation whereas fields with employment growth are characterized by low female representation. In Sub-Saharan Africa, women are 45 per cent less likely to have access to the Internet than the men folk do. Technology holds the potential to increase female opportunities in very significant ways.

With the right tools, the internet can provide women with new and innovative pathways to connect and meaningfully participate in several ways in national life. Beyond the issue of accessibility, designing products that are gender friendly in mind carries real impact no matter how you want to look at it.

When it comes to food preparation, some innovations would go a long way towards simplifying the culinary process. The benefits of smart technology are compounded exponentially by the presence of other connected devices.

When multiple appliances operate under the same ecosystem, each one can extend its benefits. For women to fully reap the benefits of digital dividends there is a need to find ways to weaken and break down the barriers that hold them back and also to amplify how it works.

The spread of technology has made it possible for creativity and innovation to soar higher. Technology companies are helping to improve the lives of millions of women through better access to markets, knowledge and networks. Yet gender inequality persists as a digital divide in many countries of the world. It is on record that women are often saddled with the responsibility of taking care of household chores which end up taking up most of their productive time. Research has shown that an average woman spends about 7.6 hours a week cooking compared to male folk who spend less than that a week. What it simply means is that a smart home should be designed bearing in mind the female user who uses the kitchen often.

LG NeoChef Microwave Oven

LG NeoChef Microwave Oven brings a newer and richer cooking experience, which can efficiently and effectively reheat and defrost food thereby helping female folks reduce the time that would ordinarily be spent on cooking and making it easier for them to prepare delicious meals. Female folks who are on the lookout for advanced culinary products will be able to find the ones that will enhance their cooking experiences with LG Gas Cooker which can help them prepare meals within a twinkle of an eye.

Managing Director of LG Electronics West Africa operations, Mr Taeick Son said:

“We are deliberately focusing on our esteemed female consumers in commemoration of the United Nations International Women’s Day which comes up every March. In LG we are gender friendly that is why we have designed products would naturally appeal to the female consumers. Some the products include washing machines, microwave oven, vacuum cleaners, laptops etc.”

LG Electronics as a company has integrated smart compatibility in all of its 2018 devices, allowing its smart hubs to sync with appliances from multiple manufacturers and create a unified network. Interestingly, anyone cooking at home will quickly notice the difference that smart technology plays in food preparation.

Emerging modern technology will change the female narrative for the better, freeing mothers and women from the rigours of household chores so they can live in a world where they have time to pursue their version of happiness. Technology companies are no doubt, impacting the lives of women all over the world, worthy of mention is LG Electronics with its cutting-edge innovative designs targeted at female consumers.

LG-connected washing machines can do a whole lot of wonders while cleaning clothes with the utmost speed and accuracy. Users can select water settings based on preferences allowing the washer to clean load within 30 minutes with the right command. Ensuring that the house is kept clean always, LG robotic vacuums also come in handy by cutting down the number of hours it would ordinarily take to complete domestic chores.

Women who want to make a difference in their career paths are encouraged to seriously consider embracing LG cutting-edge Gram laptops that are sure to guarantee steady growth professionally in line with the modern-day competitive and highly mobile work environment. Interestingly, the laptop weighs less than one kilogram and can boast of a range of productivity-enhancing features without necessarily affecting its optimum performance level.

Given the right technology and enabling environment, women can get to the peak of their respective careers, which is why LG Electronics is taking the bull by the horns in designing products that would not only ensure women excel in their careers but also at home. LG's line-up of products would give the women all they need in terms of convenient, user-friendly, time-saving and very efficient in completing chores seamlessly.

As the world marks Women's Day this month, LG is lending its voice to say more gender-friendly technologies should be developed to encourage women folk to do great exploits in their respective chosen fields.

With LG life can only get better.