How to change the streak icon on Snapchat

Snapchat is a popular social media platform that is widely available on almost every mobile device, including the iPad. It offers a unique way to connect with friends through short videos and pictures. One of its engaging features is streaks, a daily challenge to keep exchanging videos or pictures (or both) with a friend.

The app visually represents streaks with a fire (🔥) emoji, but this default setting might not suit everyone's taste. Thankfully, Snapchat allows you to personalize your streak icon, adding a touch of individuality to your conversations.

Let's dive into a step-by-step guide on how to customize your streak icon and make your Snapchat experience truly yours.

How to Set Up Shortcuts for Sharing Snaps on Snapchat
Follow these steps to learn how to set up Snapchat “Shortcuts” and make sending snaps just a bit easier

How to Change the Streak Icon on Snapchat

  • Tap on the three dots at the top right