How to Get into a Career in Developer Relations (DevRel)

As technology advances, there is the challenge of the technology stack not being understood. If products are being made and people who they are made for do not know how to use them, those products become practically useless. This is where Developer Relations (DevRel) comes into play.

DevRel professionals act as the bridge between engineering teams and external developers using the product. They have become essential in the tech industry, especially as more technology companies emerge and introduce new products.

They are talented communicators who can build relationships with developer communities ensuring companies don't just launch products into a void, but the developers understand how to use them effectively.

Think of DevRel as the liaison between the company and the developers, ensuring feedback is gotten, solving developer problems, and teaching solutions and best practices.

The good thing is, DevRel offers opportunities for both technical and non-technical individuals. So, if you're already in tech, don't necessarily code, but enjoy interacting with people, a career in DevRel might be perfect for you. The key skills lie in communication, relationship building, and a passion for technology.

The compensation is pretty sweet too, data from ZipRecruiter show that the average annual salary for a DevRel professional in the US sits around $109,499.

If this career is a perfect fit for your skills and interests, this article covers everything you need to know about getting into a Developer Relations career.