How to make a GIF using WhatsApp
GIFs, also pronounced as 'JIF' are popularly used to display short, looped animations. It has recently become the default tool for humour, alongside memes and viral videos.
They have become so widely used that almost all social media accepts them as being shared on their platforms. GIFs are eye-catching and easily shareable across multiple social networks. They can add value to your brand and show off your personality.
In this article, we will be discussing how to make a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) on WhatsApp and upload them on your WhatsApp status.
How to make a GIF on WhatsApp
- On your smartphone, go to WhatsApp
- Swipe Left to the recent status updates view
- Click on the Camera icon below to add a status
4. Select the video you want to turn into GIF
5. Once uploaded, trim a part of the video you want as a GIF to a maximum of 20 seconds. Once the video has been trimmed, the GIF option will pop out
6. Toggle to GIF then click on the send button to upload the GIF on your status
Now you have a GIF as a status but note that the Gif won't automatically save into your phone. If you want it saved, then you can share the status which contains the GIF to a friend and ask them to send it back to you or you could share the Status using Bluetooth to send it to your PC or a spare phone that you own.
Image Credit: Gabriel Ojeh /