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How to Schedule Text Messages on iPhone

Oyinebiladou Omemu profile image
by Oyinebiladou Omemu
How to Schedule Text Messages on iPhone
Photo by Dimitri Karastelev / Unsplash

You may want to send messages at a scheduled time, either at one time or on a recurring basis – a fixed loop. This may be either to ease yourself the stress of manually having to do this frequently or to serve as a reminder should you forget to convey the message, or for any reason whatsoever. To achieve this on your iPhone, all you need is the iPhone Shortcuts App.

Note that this is not only achievable with the Shortcuts App, as you can also do this by utilizing third-party applications. For this guide, we will focus on how to schedule text messages using the Shortcuts App.

Oyinebiladou Omemu profile image
by Oyinebiladou Omemu

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