How to time travel using Google Maps
Nowadays, people have digital photographs of themselves or other people to look back on, but what about the world around you?

Life gets really fast and we tend to lose track of things sometimes. Once in a while, it's best to look back at old memories and have a feel of how things used to be. The good times!
Nowadays, people have digital photographs of themselves or other people to look back on, but what about the world around you? Well, Google took it upon itself to allow people to get a blast from the past, using Google Maps.
As regularly as possible – in some places than others – Google takes photos to help people navigate through streets and routes, but the company allows people to also look through memories of almost anywhere in the world, in a sense, allowing us to time travel.
In this guide, you'll learn just how to harness such power.

How to time travel using Google Maps
Step 1: Pick the location you want to see and tap on it

Step 2: Tap on the street view mini-display

Step 3: Select "See more dates"

Step 4: Feel free to pick any of the available previous captures of the place to see how it has evolved over time

Google Maps offers a unique opportunity to travel back in time and witness how the world has evolved. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can explore the historical imagery of countless locations around the globe.
Image Credit: Louis Eriakha /