How to use Google Safe Browsing on Chrome

You may have been a victim of a malware attack, or have had your phone corrupted by a virus just by visiting a site. While Chrome browser does not guarantee a hundred per cent safety, it can inform you of possibly unsafe websites when browsing in safe browsing, to avoid experiencing those unfortunate events again.

Browsing in Google Safe Browsing will give you vital information about a website you're visiting if it is safe, or not. With Safe Browsing activated, you will receive warnings that will help protect you against malware, abusive sites and extensions, phishing, and malicious and intrusive ads.

Each time you visit a website or attempt a download, Chrome checks with Safe Browsing based on the protection level you've selected. You can choose between three Browsing options;

  • Enhanced protection: Enhanced protection offers security from known and potential new dangers.
  • Standard protection: Standard protection offers security from known dangers.
  • No protection: You can also turn off Safe Browsing, but you won't be protected against potentially dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions.

How to change your Safe Browsing protection level on Chrome

  1. Open Chrome browser on your phone and tap the three-dot icon at the top right.