How to use Translate with the Action button in iOS 17

The Action button is a multi-purpose customizable button that can be assigned to a variety of functions. With the introduction of iOS 17, the possibilities of the button have become somewhat infinite.

The Translate feature was promised by Apple at the launch of iPhone 15, however, that wasn't given. But with the recent iOS 17.2 beta update, this feature has become available for iPhone 15 and 15 pro users running the iOS 17.2 beta version.

When the Translate feature is assigned to the Action Button, your iPhone will listen and translate languages for you. This could be done anyway in the Translate app, but having it at the action button makes it easier to access and use. A simple shortcut.

Note that this feature is not automatically assigned, so you have to tweak the settings from your device. It's a pretty easy step, and in this guide, we'll walk you through the process of how to achieve this.