CHART: India holds the top spot for ChatGPT adoption globally

ChatGPT, a sophisticated AI language model developed by OpenAI, has rapidly become a household name in the realm of artificial intelligence.

Its ability to generate human-like text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way has captured the imagination of users worldwide.

For many, ChatGPT serves as the primary entry point into the world of AI tools, While other companies, like Google and Meta, are weaving AI elements into their platforms—Google with generative AI in Search, and Meta integrating AI chatbots—ChatGPT remains the most universally recognized AI tool. Its widespread usage and accessibility make it a key benchmark for broader AI adoption across the globe.

But while ChatGPT's origins can be traced back to the United States, its impact has extended far beyond its place of birth. The tool has gained significant traction in diverse regions, including emerging markets like India, Morocco, the UAE, and Argentina, according to data from a recent Visual Capitalist report, based on research conducted by the Boston Consulting Group.

India currently holds the top spot for ChatGPT adoption. Close behind are Morocco, the UAE, and Argentina. These results may come as a surprise, especially since countries traditionally seen as tech hubs, like the United States or Europe, don’t top the list.