CHARTBOX: Mobile Money Subscribers in Sub-Saharan Africa

The mobile money industry added a record 143 million registered customers in 2018, bringing its total to 866 million registered mobile money accounts in 90 countries, representing a 20% year-on-year increase from 2017, according to GSMA’s State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money.

While 34.5% of the world’s registered accounts were active in 2018, up from 33.9% in 2017, activity rates in Sub-Saharan Africa remained stable at 36.8%, largely unchanged from 2017, with the region adding over 17.5 million new active accounts in 2018, bringing its total active mobile money accounts to 145.8 million.

This Techloy Chart highlights the user numbers behind Sub-Saharan Africa’s mobile money landscape, based on data from GSMA.

Chart by Loy Okezie /