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A Comparison Between RCS and iMessage [INFOGRAPHIC]

A Comparison Between RCS and iMessage [INFOGRAPHIC]

While both messaging protocols offer similar features, there are some differences between them. This article discusses the features of RCS and iMessage with a comparison infographic to illustrate.

by Oyinebiladou Omemu Gabriel Ojeh

RCS and iMessage are different messaging protocols offering distinct features and functionalities. RCS, Rich Communication Services, is an upgraded version of the SMS texting standard. RCS allows texting apps to send messages over Wi-Fi, show read receipts on read messages, support high-resolution file/picture sharing, and more.

On the other hand, iMessage is Apple’s proprietary messaging protocol that only supports Apple devices, including iPad, iPhone, Mac, and Apple Watch. iMessage offers features such as high-quality media transfer, tapback reactions, read receipts, and texting over Wi-Fi.

While both messaging protocols offer similar features, there are some differences between them. This article will now discuss the features of RCS and iMessage with a comparison infographic to illustrate.

by Oyinebiladou Omemu Gabriel Ojeh

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