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UK Tech

Find top technology news, products and insights from the United Kingdom.

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CHART: Nigerians will require a proof of funds of up to ₦28.3 million to study in the UK in 2025 post image

CHART: Nigerians will require a proof of funds of up to ₦28.3 million to study in the UK in 2025

Fintech giant Revolut is now authorised as a UK bank post image

Fintech giant Revolut is now authorised as a UK bank

CashApp to exit the UK market post image

CashApp to exit the UK market

CHART: UK Tech Startup Funding Tops China to Secure Second Place Globally post image

CHART: UK Tech Startup Funding Tops China to Secure Second Place Globally

This British AI company has raised $1 billion to reimagine autonomous mobility using AI post image

This British AI company has raised $1 billion to reimagine autonomous mobility using AI

UK's Ministry of Defence database has been hacked post image

UK's Ministry of Defence database has been hacked

Top Stories: Britain to Invest £100 Million in AI Research and Regulatory Training post image

Top Stories: Britain to Invest £100 Million in AI Research and Regulatory Training

Tech Nation relaunches under Founders Forum Group with a £10 billion funding target post image

Tech Nation relaunches under Founders Forum Group with a £10 billion funding target

TikTok launches in-app online shopping experience in the US post image

TikTok launches in-app online shopping experience in the US

UK surgeons perform the first womb transplant post image

UK surgeons perform the first womb transplant

CHART: International students enrolled to study in the UK by country in 2022 post image

CHART: International students enrolled to study in the UK by country in 2022

The UK launches a £1 billion fintech fund—but is it enough to compete with the U.S.? post image

The UK launches a £1 billion fintech fund—but is it enough to compete with the U.S.?