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Tencent Cloud partners with Nexon to launch metaverse platform

Emmanuel Oyedeji profile image
by Emmanuel Oyedeji
Tencent Cloud partners with Nexon to launch metaverse platform
Photo by GuerrillaBuzz Blockchain PR Agency / Unsplash

Nexon, a global video publisher, have agreed on a partnership with Tencent Cloud, the Chinese tech titan’s cloud business arm, to launch its metaverse platform called Nexontown, per a report by Tech In Asia.

Nexontown, available in South Korea, currently houses open halls, camping sites, classrooms, and conference halls where users interact with each other using items and characters from Nexon’s online games set in the virtual world.

The partnership with Tencent Cloud provides Nexontown with advanced audio and video features, a low threshold, fast access, and high concurrency support, among other features.

Tencent Cloud also gives game publishers access to its interactive media and communication services, including its game multimedia engine, stream services, instant messaging, and media processing services, which help publishers establish a platform for cross-product communication, interaction, and transactions.

Emmanuel Oyedeji profile image
by Emmanuel Oyedeji

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