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Twitter Blue subscribers will now pay $8 per month, says Elon Musk

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by Techloy
Twitter Blue subscribers will now pay $8 per month, says Elon Musk
Photo by Mariia Shalabaieva / Unsplash

Amid speculations surrounding Twitter's subscription service, Twitter Blue, Elon Musk has today revealed that subscribers will now pay up to $8 per month to use the service – which will offer verification, less ads, search priority, and more.

Depending on the country or region, Twitter could charge subscribers to the paid version of its platform a monthly fee that is "adjusted by country proportionate to purchasing power parity," Musk tweeted.

What this means is that the fee would be adjusted – with some users paying less and others paying more – depending on where in the world they live in order to enjoy the VIP benefits of the app.

According to the new Twitter boss, Twitter Blue will allow subscribers to get priority in replies, mentions and search, a feature he believes would help defeat spam and bots. Also, subscribers will be able to post long video and audio.

However, subscribers will still be shown ads, although Musk expects this to be "half as many ads." But perhaps the most interesting feature, if implemented, could be the opportunity to bypass paywalls on publisher's websites and media organisations that are willing to work with Twitter.

Beyond generating revenue for the platform through its subscription service, Musk expects that "it will also give Twitter a revenue stream to reward content creators."

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by Techloy

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